Online Book Store Using Reactjs, Node.js


Online Book Store Project” is a simple online Book store app using React Js, I had not used redux in it (still have to learn it) is only React js, the backend server is hosted using Node js, it took me almost one month to finish this project, initially I planned to add more functionality to it but the amount of code (long list of state & props) was just increasing and I was overwhelmed with it, I will include this project in my portfolio, & it may not look nice in mobile devices as spent less time to make it responsive.

The admin can only delete and edit the books that has been added by the admin. Publisher category contain all the publishers lists. The two main things are not fully implemented is contact and process purchase. Due to having to work with some security and online payment, the process site is just a place holder. Contacts category content the name email and the text area which helps admin to get feedback from the users.

If anyone have time to look at my code & do advice how can I make my code more short & cleaner Please reach me out over LinkedIn for any query.

Thanks for reading!!!